Pente Puzzle World
Scott Justice's puzzling look at Pente®
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DiabDiag  NEW!
Ninthlife  EASY
No Snakes  SOSO
Teshera  HARD!
Quincunx  HARD!!


This link page is not meant to be all inclusive, but rather a guide to the essential Pente® sites that I find useful. I remember five years ago searching for Pente® on the web and coming up with a few good relevant sites and a bunch of unrelated french hotels and a mule site of some sort. Hopefully, this link page will give you a more focused approach.

Dweebo's Stone Games
This is the place to play Pente® online against a wide variety of other humans. Dweebo has done an excellent job on this site and is continually making improvements such as a forum for discussion. Tournaments are played here, which is the closest thing to the old Pente® tournaments played over the board back in the 1980's.

Mark's Five in a Row Games
Mark is a driving force behind the success of Pente® on the web. He coordinates various tournaments, proofreads my Pente® problems, programmed a great Windows based computer opponent and plays a strong game. He has always been very helpful with any questions I have had. Check out his site where you can download his computer game, get tournament information and find plenty of links and information.

Richard's PBeM Server
Richard's Play By Email site is the arena where the most in depth games pitting the best players occur. Getting used to the syntax took me a while, but once you've got the knack of it, it's easy. Games on this site can take months to complete. That's one reason the games played between highly ranked opponents tend to be free of blunders with the second player struggling to find a win. Pente® shares this site with many other interesting games.

This site falls between the over the board action at Dweebo's and the snail paced play at Richard's. The interface is more intuitive than PBeM and you have a few days between moves. For people like me who do not spend each day in front of the computer (I've got to spend some quality time doing other watching TV), it is hard to play at IYT without losing by forfeit. A multitude of players abound with a wide variety of skill level. Tournaments are plentiful and attract a large number of players. In addition to Pente®, many different games can be played.

Copyright © 2001 by Scott Justice